MBA Notes - AIDA Concept

Question - Discuss the AIDA Concept? How it is related to promotional mix?

AIDA Model is a selling concept presented by Elmo Lewis to explain how personal selling works. AIDA Model outlines the processes for achieving promotional goals in terms of stages of consumer involvement with the message. The Stages are Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action.

In this media filled world, advertisers need to be quick and direct to grab audience attention. Ads are required to be eye catchy which can make audience stop and read or watch what advertiser have to say next. Powerful words and pictures are used in ads to make them attractive.

After getting attention of a chunk of the targeted audience, it is required to keep them engaged with the ad to make them understand the message in more detail. Gaining the reader's or audience interest is more difficult process than grabbing their attention. To gain audience interest the advertisers must stay focused on audience needs.

The Interest and Desire parts of AIDA goes hand-in-hand. As advertiser builds the audience interest, he also need to help them understand how what he is offering can help them in a real way. The way of doing this is by appealing to their personal needs and wants.

A good way of building the reader's desire for advertiser offering is to link features and benefits. Hopefully, the significant features of the offering have been designed to give a specific benefit to members of the target market.

Finally,  advertiser need to be very clear about what action he want the audience to take- trial, purchase, repurchase, or other.

AIDA and the Promotional Mix

Very Effective
Very Effective
Somewhat Effective
Not Effective
Public Relations
Very Effective
Very Effective
Very Effective
Not Effective
Sales Promotion
Somewhat Effective
Somewhat Effective
Very Effective
Somewhat Effective
Personal Selling
Somewhat Effective
Very Effective
Very Effective
Very Effective
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