Marketing Notes - Consumer Buying Behaviour

Question - What do you mean by consumer buying behaviour? Also describe various factors or forces that influences consumer buying behavio...

Manish Patidar 8 Aug, 2017

Social Marketing Concept

Question - Define social marketing? Describe the concept of social marketing, and explain social marketing mix. Answer Definition...

Manish Patidar 1 Aug, 2017

MBA Subject Notes - Advertising Management

eNotesMBA is here to make you available the best MBA Subject Notes. Following are the links to various topics of MBA Advertising Manageme...

Manish Patidar 20 Mar, 2017

MBA Notes - Marketing Planning Process

Question - Define the term 'marketing planning'. Outline the steps involved in marketing planning process.

Manish Patidar 19 Mar, 2017

Marketing Notes - Defining Competitive Strategy

Question - What do you mean by competitive strategy? Explain Porter's Generic Strategies Model to define Competitive Strategy.

Manish Patidar 19 Mar, 2017

MBA Notes - Marketing Competitiveness

Question - What do you mean by marketing competitiveness? How the marketing competitiveness can be improved?

Manish Patidar 19 Mar, 2017

Marketing Notes - Customer Value Concept

Question - What do you mean by the concept of customer value?

Manish Patidar 19 Mar, 2017

Marketing Notes - Alliance Marketing Concept

Question - What do you mean by the term 'Alliance Marketing'?

Manish Patidar 19 Mar, 2017

MBA Notes - Nature of Services

Question - What do you mean by Service Marketing? Discuss the Nature of Services. Answer What is Service Marketing? A Service is a...

Manish Patidar 14 Mar, 2017

MBA Notes - Regulation of Advertising

Question - What do you mean by advertising regulation? Also write a note on advertising self-regulation.

Manish Patidar 13 Mar, 2017

MBA Notes - Ethics and Social Responsibilities in Advertising

Question - Why is ethics and social responsibilities are important in advertising?

Manish Patidar 13 Mar, 2017

MBA Notes - Marketing Organisations

Question - What do you mean by marketing organisation? Explain different types of marketing organisations.

Manish Patidar 13 Mar, 2017

MBA Notes - Advertising Budget and Control

Question - What do you mean by advertising budget and control?

Manish Patidar 13 Mar, 2017

Email Etiquette for Professionals

Introduction The high speed Internet, the high technology gadgets like smart-phones, and the advent of social media made the communicati...

Manish Patidar 13 Mar, 2017

MBA Notes - Marketing Environment

Question - What do you mean by marketing and marketing environment?

Manish Patidar 13 Mar, 2017

Recognition, Recall, and Persuasion

Recognition and Recall are the terms that are heavily used by advertisers in advertising measurement, more  specifically in copy testing...

Manish Patidar 12 Mar, 2017

MBA Notes - Advertising Budget Decisions

Question - What is Advertising Budget? Discuss approaches and procedure for determining the size of advertising budget.

Manish Patidar 12 Mar, 2017

MBA Notes - Types of modern Advertising Agency

Question - Explain advertising agency, and what are the different types of advertising agencies?

Manish Patidar 11 Mar, 2017

MBA Notes - Functions and Classifications of Advertising

Question - What is advertising? Explain in detail the functions and classifications of advertising.

Manish Patidar 11 Mar, 2017

MBA Notes - AIDA Concept

Question - Discuss the AIDA Concept? How it is related to promotional mix? Answer AIDA Model is a selling concept presented by E...

Manish Patidar 11 Mar, 2017

MBA Notes - Definition and Objectives of Advertising

Question - What is advertising, define advertising, and state its objectives?

Manish Patidar 11 Mar, 2017

MBA Notes - Selection of Advertising Agency

Question - What are the different aspects an advertiser should consider while selecting an advertising agency?

Manish Patidar 11 Mar, 2017

MBA Notes - Advertising Agency and its Functions

Question - What is Advertising Agency? Describe functions of advertising agency.

Manish Patidar 10 Mar, 2017

MBA Notes - Service Marketing and Service Marketing Mix

Question - What do you mean by Service Marketing? Discuss Nature of Services, and Service Marketing Mix Answer Service Marketing...

Manish Patidar 8 Mar, 2017

MBA Notes - Introduction to Advertising

Question - “Advertising is a nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about product...

Manish Patidar 8 Mar, 2017

Free Trade Area

What is Free Trade Area? A free-trade area (FTA) is a trade bloc whose member countries have signed a free-trade agreement (FTA), wh...

Manish Patidar 8 Mar, 2017

Changes in International Marketing Environment

"The only constant is change". You'll hear this statement throughout your business career. Your success will depend on how b...

Manish Patidar 8 Mar, 2017

MBA Notes - Marketing Process

Question - What is marketing process? Explain the steps in marketing process.

Manish Patidar 5 Mar, 2017

MBA Notes - Building Advertising Program

Question - What is advertising creation stage in building of advertising program? Answer Ad-creation stage consists of three stag...

Manish Patidar 28 Feb, 2017

MBA Notes - WTO - World Trade Organisation

Global marketplace is getting complex everyday. The combination of IT developments, lowering trade barriers, and improved shipping efficie...

Manish Patidar 12 Feb, 2017